The Team

Professor Gareth Jones

CRT in AI Supervisor

Gareth Jones is a Professor in the School of Computing at Dublin City University (DCU), and Principal Investigator in SFI ADAPT Centre. His research focuses on topics centred on information retrieval, including multimedia (spoken and visual content), cross-language and multilingual, personal archives and lifelog, information sources; application areas including medical, legal, patents; and theoretical work on search models and personalisation in search. His current work focuses mainly on proactive and conversational search. He has received several conference best paper awards. In 2021, he was recipient of the DCU President’s Research Award for physical sciences and engineering.

He has extensive experience in evaluation benchmarks in information retrieval including, CLEF, TREC, TRECVID, NTCIR and FIRE, and was co-founder of the MediaEval multimedia evaluation campaign. He was programme co-chair of ECIR 2010 and ACM SIGIR 2011, and general co-chair of ACM SIGIR 2013 and CLEF 2017, will serve as general co-chair of Interspeech 2023, and has taken a range of roles at other conferences. He regularly serves as a committee member of international conferences in information retrieval, natural language processing, multimedia, and speech processing.