The Team

Professor Declan O’Sullivan
CRT in AI Supervisor
Declan O’Sullivan is a Professor in Computer Science at the School of Computer Science and Statistics (https://www.scss.ie), Trinity College Dublin, and is a co-applicant Principal Investigator in Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) Research Centre ADAPT (http://www.adaptcentre.ie). Data and its relationship with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, is increasingly dominating the research landscape, as intelligent applications become embedded in our daily lives. Prof. O’Sullivan and his team’s research into Knowledge Graph Techniques (which extracts, transforms and integrates data) is central to this relationship. People and machines benefit from knowledge graph techniques for purposes such as data integration, knowledge discovery and in-depth analyses. Since joining TCD from industry in 2001, he has established himself as an international research leader in his field: authoring 280+ scientific peer-reviewed papers and international Journals; being a member of 3 journal editorial boards and having undertaken 12+ chair roles in IEEE and IFIP conferences over the years. He was elected as a Fellow in Trinity College Dublin in 2019 in recognition for the quality of his contributions. He has won competitive research funding as PI and Co-PI across a range of funding programmes: European Commission (H2020 and Marie Curie); Science Foundation Ireland (FAME, CNGL, ADAPT); HEA PRTLI (NEMBES, TGI) and from industry: IBM Research, Huawei, Accenture, Ericsson, Nokia Bell Labs, Ordnance Survey Ireland, Central Statistics Office.