The Team

Janet Choi

M.Sc, BSc.N, RgN

Janet Choi is the senior research coordinator and program manager for the SFI Centre for Research Training in Artificial Intelligence since April 2019.

For 12 years (2007), she worked as a Project Manager and Clinical Nurse Research Coordinator at the Centre for Research in Vascular Biology, (CRVB) UCC. This group were the first to carry out a first-in-man placebo controlled randomised control trial at Cork University Hospital by examining the role of IGF1 in acute heart failure in the context of ST elevation myocardial infarction and she has contributed, two scientific papers in the American Heart Journal (AHJ, 2018) and Stem Cells (2016) and is a named author. She was awarded a EI Commercialisation Feasibility Fund (2013) for her work in the role of wireless wearable 12-lead ECG sensors for clinical use and holds a 1H Masters Degree in Digital Health, College of Business and Law UCC (2020).

She is a qualified Registered Nurse having completed her education and hospital training in Toronto, Ontario. She took a position in the Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory, Cork University Hospital as a registered nurse and later appointed as a Clinical Nurse Manager (2005). Subsequently she took a post at the Bon Secours Hospital, Cork as a Clinical Nurse Manager in the Cardiac Catheterisation Lab, and later guided and directed undergraduate nursing students during their clinical rotations as a Clinical Placement Coordinator, Nurse Practice Development Unit (2006).

Janet is particularly interested in artificial intelligence and its application to primary and tertiary health care. In her work, she emphasizes people first, encourages processes, and follows principles that will garner and improve results.