The Team

Hedieh Pour Bagheri Sigaroudi

PhD Researcher

Hedieh graduated from the University of Applied Science and Technology, Iran with a Bachelor’s degree in Control and Instrumentation Engineering in 2015. After finishing Electronics Engineering at technical high school, parallel to her undergraduate study at university, Hedieh worked as an electronic products manufacturing manager in different companies for three years. She knows PLC programming and development, industrial automation, and developing sensor and actuator systems. She is Bronze medal winner (3rd place) in Iranian national mechatronic skill competition with the Mashhad city student team in 2011.
Currently, Hedieh is a PhD student at the Centre for Robotics and Intelligent System (CRIS). Her PhD project is funded by the Centre for Research Training in Artificial Intelligence (CRT-AI) supervised by Prof. Daniel Toal and Prof. Tiziana Margaria. She is interested in machine learning and applications of artificial intelligence in industrial robotics and automation.

Supervisors: Professor Daniel Toal