The Team

Gosia Gutowska

PhD Researcher

Gosia’s main interests include data, technology and science overall. She has several years experience working with data mining, processing, analysis visualisation as well as leading a data team.
Her PhD research focuses on the explainable aspect of deep learning techniques applied to anomaly detection, in order to support experts verifying machine made decisions where ML or Dl techniques are utilised and where catching potential false positives is essential.
Gosia holds the MSc in Data Analytics from DCU and was awarded best practicum from the Data Analytics major in PwC Msc in Computing Award. The practicum project involved the analysis of time series signals from radio telescopes, for the purposes of classification of signals from potential extra-terrestrial intelligence (as a part of the SETI project). The paper from this research was later published at the Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science.
Before developing the interests towards data science, she entered many side-tracks on her professional development path which touched upon physics, chemical engineering, web technologies and software development.
She also holds the equivalent to Master’s Degree in Medical Physics from Jagiellonian University and in Materials Engineering and Chemistry from AGH university of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland.

Supervisors: Dr. Andrew McCarren Dr. Suzanne Little.