The Team
Professor Carl Vogel
CRT in AI Supervisor
Professor Carl Vogel
Associate Professor in Computational Linguistics
- Interim Head of School, School of Computer Science and Statistics
- Director, Trinity Centre for Computing and Language Studies
- Academic staff: School of Computer Science and Statistics
- Affiliated academic staff: Center for Language and Communication Studies, School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences
- BSc (Honors) Loyola, New Orleans, USA
- MSc Simon Fraser University BC, CA
- PhD University of Edinburgh, UK
Loyola Presidential Scholar (1984-1988); Marshall Scholar (1991-1994); Fellow, Trinity College Dublin (2002-present)
Research Areas
Computational Linguistics, Cognitive Science
Current preoccupations
Defamatory and toxic text analytics, with Caliber.
The MULTISIMO project on multimodal interaction. The EC counts this project among its success stories.
Investigator within the SFI Research Centre, CNGL and its successor, ADAPT.
A book on Internet Research Methods has been published by SAGE (written by Claire Hewson, Carl Vogel and Dianna Laurent).
In 2021, this book on Internet Research Methods (written by Claire Hewson, Carl Vogel and Dianna Laurent) and published by SAGE was translated into Chinese translated by Haijun Dong for the China Renmin University Press.
Member (founding Chair) of the (SCSS Research Ethics Committee).