In conjunction with ADVANCE CRT , a very successful coffee morning was held on May 30th featuring Dr. Diego Carraro who gave an amazing talk to our CRT students at UCC about his PhD journey.   



Tech Fest 2023 – Clayton Hotel Cork 

Thanks to our CRT in AI PhD Researchers who made TechFest 2023 held in Cork a successful one! Your engagement and attendance helps you to share your research, engage in insightful discussion with others o the latest in your field of study, Knowledge sharing and invaluable opportunities to gain new insights! 

Congratulations to all our wonderful PhD Researchers  at UCC who took part in PG Review day at UCC’s School of CS&IT. 

Featured are some of our CRT in AI Students from Cohort 2,3, and 4 in below tweet! 

CP Week 2023 – Luncheon & Poster Session 

This week long training session was celebrated with a PhD Researcher and Industry event lunch where we had a meeting with wonderful colleagues from industry.

We even had had a lovely games session ice breaker session in between! 

Photo credit: Daniella Traynor 

Now Accepting: Applications to our PhD programme

We are seeking the brightest sparks for our PhD programme, and we welcome you to apply! 

At CRT in AI we celebrate and support all individuals, regardless! 

Our goal is to represent, and sincerely welcome applications from racially visible people, persons with 

disability, individuals from all backgrounds regardless of gender. 

30+ Fully funded PhD positions at the
SFI Centre for Research Training in Artificial Intelligence.

Start Dates: September/October 2023
Locations: Cork, Limerick, Dublin, Galway

Click Apply (it’s to your right!) to start your journey! 

Contact: for more information.